Love 4 Paws
Canine Rehabilitation Therapy

Love 4 Paws is owned and operated by Elana Goldberg, BA Hons, RMT, CVMRT.
Elana has been dedicated to the wellness of canine companions since 2008.
A combination of Education and Personal Experience makes Elana the best choice for your pet.
Love 4 Paws was created out of the love for her own active dog Mango. Mango began to slow down at the age of 9 in 2004, due to osteoarthritis in both hips. As a previous Vet Assistant, Elana decided to return to school to learn all she could to help her own and other people's dogs with their mobility issues. Elana has since completed many human and small animal certifications, courses and seminars, which allow her to offer her knowledge and expertise to her clients.

Courses and Seminars
Certification in Veterinary Massage & Rehabilitation Therapy (CVMRT)
Elana attended and successfully completed training at the Healing Oasis Wellness Center in Veterinary Massage and Rehabilitation Therapy. This is one of the top three programs offered in North America and Elana was the first Canadian to attend and complete the Healing Oasis program. The VMRT certification program is recognized by the American Association of Rehabilitation Veterinarians (AARV). The school is also a recognized program under the American Association of Veterinary State Boards - RACE program for Continuing Education.
Other Training
Evaluation & Application of Select Manual Therapy Techniques for Canine Cervical Spine Dysfunction - Ria Acciani, MPT, CCRP
Manual Assessment & Treatment of the Canine Extremities - Laurie Edge-Hughes, BScPT, MAnimSt (Animal Physio, CAFCI, CCRT)
Canine Fitness Trainer 1-4 Bronze - Deborah (Gross) Torraca, DPT, MSPT, Diplomat ABPTS, CCRP
K9 Conditioning - Deborah M. Gross, DPT, MSPT, Diplomat ABPTS, CCRP
Those Bum Knees - Deborah M. Gross, DPT, MSPT, Diplomat ABPTS, CCRP
Thomas Myers' Anatomy Trains for Manual Therapists
Introduction to Ultrasound, TENS, and other therapeutic Modalities
Cranial Sacral Therapy
BodyTalk & BodyTalk for Animals training
Canine Aquatic Therapy Training
Elana completed a 10 day intensive training in Canine Aquatic Therapy at La Paw Spa in Sequim, Washington.

Canine Swim Therapy Training
Elana completed a 5-day intensive Canine Hydrotherapy (Swim Therapy) training course, taught by Alex Debolt (of Alex Debolt Consulting Dogs) and Nancy Couillard, RVT, CCRTech (from the Canine Rehabilitation Institute). This course is based on the Certificate of Hydrotherapy course taught at Greyfriars in the UK.
- The program included an Introduction to Canine Hydrotherapy, Immediate Hydrotherapy Benefits, Health and Safety, Rules & Regulations, Roles & Responsibilities, Canine Basic Anatomy, The Musculoskeletal System, Common Conditions, Precautions of Conditions, Protocols for Treatment Plan
Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation
for Companion Animals wet lab
Elana attended a half-day "Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation for Companion Animals" wet lab with Dr. Denis Marcellin-Little, Associate Professor, Orthopedic Surgery, College of Veterinary Medicine, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina, Cofounder and Past Chief Medical Officer, Animal Rehabilitation and Wellness Hospital, Raleigh, NC at the Ottawa Canine Rehabilitation & Aquatic Centre, September 25, 2008.
- The Wet Lab covered the Initial Rehabilitation assessment, measuring range of motion with a goniometer, measuring muscle girth for atrophy, Joint Mobilizations, end-feel of joints, benefits and use of cold and hot hydrotherapy, stretching, strengthening, using balance and wobble boards, TheraBand and TheraBall exercises, frequency-duration and intensity of exercises, and budgeting for Post-Surgery rehabilitation, massage, and/or swimming.
Canine Massage Therapy Training
Elana is a Certified Canine Massage Therapist (CCMT), who completed her Canine Massage Therapy Certification at the Atlantic College of Therapeutic Massage (ACTM) in June 2008 and The Healing Oasis in 2015/2016.
Small Animal Acupressure Training Tallgrass Animal Acupressure Institute
Reiki, IET and other Energy Therapies Training
Registered Human Massage Therapy Training (RMT)
Elana is a Registered Massage Therapist (RMT), an Honours graduate of the 2200 hour Atlantic College of Therapeutic Massage Diploma program in Fredericton, New Brunswick June 2008.
Elana is an active member of the College of Massage Therapists of New Brunswick (CMTNB).
Effects of Structure on Performance, Soundness and Longevity in Dogs By Helen King
Dog training
Elana over the years has completed or participated in the following dog related training or sports:
- 3 levels of Obdience
- 3 levels of Nosework
- 1 level of Scent Detection
- participated in Flyball
- competed 2 years of Agility training
- several tricks classes
- several clicker training classes